EMC-LACE Electromagnetic Compatibility

Radio Equipment Testing

General Presentation

Click To View GB Brochure
Click To View I Brochure

The laboratory performs Radio Equipment tests for the following product categories:
  • Radio equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz to 25 MHz and inductive loop systems in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz;
  • Metal and object detection sensors in the frequency range 1 kHz to 148,5 kHz.
The tests performed by the Laboratory are:
  • Operating frequency range;
  • Transmitter H-field / E-field requirements;
  • Transmitter radiated spurious domain emission limits < 30 MHz;
  • Transmitter radiated spurious domain emission limits > 30 MHz;
  • Transmitter Frequency stability;
  • Modulation bandwidth;
  • Adjacent channel selectivity;
  • Receiver blocking or desensitization;
  • Receiver spurious emissions.
The tests carried out by the Laboratory are required in order to comply with the European Directive on Radio Equipment (2014/53/EU) for the purposes of CE-marking the product.